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1e Concilie van Constantinopel (381 of 383)
09-07-0381: Canones[7914]
Credo van Nicea - Constantinopel[66]
Paus Johannes Paulus II - Apostolische brief A Concilio Constantinopolitano I[1198] bij het 16e eeuwfeest
2e Concilie van Constantinopel (5 mei - 2 juni 553)
Sessio VIII - Canones[902]
3e Concilie van Constantinopel (7 nov. 680 - 16 sept. 681)
27-03-680: Paus Agatho - Omnium Bonorum Spes[5050]
Sessio VIII[6568]
Sessio XVIII - Definitio de duabus in Christo voluntatibus et opertionibus[964]
aug. 682: Paus Leo II - Regi Regum[6648] (bevestiging van de besluiten)
4e Concilie van Constantinopel (869 - 870)
Sessio X - Canones[1858]
Overzicht van de belangrijkste canones besloten op Concilies (voorzover nog niet op deze site opgenomen)
Canons van het Eerste Concilie van Constantinopel
The first canon is an important dogmatic condemnation of all shades of Arianism, also of Macedonianism and Apollinarianism.
The second canon renews the Nicene legislation imposing upon the bishops the observance of diocesan and patriarchal limits.
The fourth canon declares invalid the consecration of Maximus, the Cynic philosopher and rival of St. Gregory of Nazianzus, as Bishop of Constantinople.
The famous third canon declares that because Constantinople is New Rome the bishop of that city should have a pre-eminence of honour after the Bishop of Old Rome. Baronius wrongly maintained the non-authenticity of this canon, while some medieval Greeks maintained (an equally erroneous thesis) that it declared the bishop of the royal city in all things the equal of the pope. The purely human reason of Rome's ancient authority, suggested by this canon, was never admitted by the Apostolic See, which always based its claim to supremacy on the succession of St. Peter. Nor did Rome easily acknowledge this unjustifiable reordering of rank among the ancient patriarchates of the East. It was rejected by the papal legates at Chalcedon. St. Leo the Great (Ep. cvi in P.L., LIV, 1003, 1005) declared that this canon has never been submitted to the Apostolic See and that it was a violation of the Nicene order. At the Eighth General Council in 869 the Roman legates (Mansi, XVI, 174) acknowledged Constantinople as second in patriarchal rank. In 1215, at the Fourth Lateran Council (op. cit., XXII, 991), this was formally admitted for the new Latin patriarch, and in 1439, at the Council of Florence, for the Greek patriarch (Hefele-Leclercq, Hist. des Conciles, II, 25-27). The Roman correctores of Gratian (1582), at dist. xxii, c. 3, insert the words: "canon hic ex iis est quos apostolica Romana sedes a principio et longo post tempore non recipit."
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